We are still fighting these battles with Addi over food. I just keep trying and trying, that’s about all I can do… and hope that eventually he might be interested in food. I’ve asked friends and family for suggestions and even a complete of strangers. One thought that I had was that he was sick of “baby food” and wanting something more like what we eat.
For the last couple of days I have been testing him out on some of my food. The other day I had scrambled eggs and thought, what the heck, let’s see if he likes it. He didn’t seem crazy about it but he was willing to give it a go. That’s all I can ask. At least he was interested in what I was giving him. As with everything though, it will take more than one try of a food to get used to it and actually like it. I think he also likes the idea of having food at the same time as us.
Today I was eating a pear and wondered if he would like some. He has had puree pears before, so he knew the taste. Although he really didn’t eat much he seemed to really enjoy sucking on the pear and getting the flavour. I was able to get a quick snap of Addi enjoying the pear.