I thought I would take a photo of all the Easter gifts the boys received.
- From the Easter Bunny: True story of Easter toy bunny, Easter marshmallow lollipop.
- Nanny & Poppy: Lego Fire Engine, Kinder Eggs & Marshmallow bunny and chicks.
- Gran & Granddad: Decorate your own cookie pack, 4 Book Pack, Little People Easter Special Eggs.
- Great Nanny: Choc Bunny and Eggs and Drummer Bunny.
- Daddy’s Boss + Family: Cabbury Choc Bunny.
- Egg Hunt by Mummy: Hotwheels in eggs.
- From the Easter Bunny: My first easter bunny (peek-a-boo bunny).
- Gran & Granddad: Who Am I book and bunny booties.
- Nanny & Poppy: Bunnykins dinner set and little toy bunny.
- Great Nanny: Toy Chicken with eggs.
Categories: Life's Fun & Games