While still in the birthing suite after quite some time (they make sure you have plenty of skin on skin following the birth) Jasper is weighed and measured. He eventually gets cleaned up a little just with towels (no bath usually until the next day or two) and dressed. Daddy took on this job, it was his first time being the one to dress the baby in their first clothes (which also meant his first nappy was put on by Daddy). Very special indeed.
(Please note I’m doing this as a back post since I’m so far behind due to being busy with a new baby)
At the time Jasper was measured he was 4395 grams, which we were told was 9 lb 1 oz. When finally writing this (3 months after Jasper’s birth) I decided to just double check the conversion. I know that the grams is correct as we have the photos of him on the scales. What a shock to find that in actual fact his birth weight was 9 lb 11 (eleven) oz, not 9 lb 1 oz as first told. I don’t know who read it wrong, but the entire time we had been telling people the wrong birth weight. The birth announcement was wrong (I only just updated this with the correct info for the blog when I made the post, however the initial post to facebook was incorrect), photobooks we have printed are now wrong. Pretty much everything we have done up until this moment has been with the incorrect weight.
Now of course this was a real shock. I thought 9 lb 1 oz was big enough, then all of a sudden I find out the truth… he was close to 10 lb! As a matter of fact he was bigger than his Daddy’s birth weight (who we always talk about as being a big baby!). All I can say is wow! I’ve gone from Addison who was 8 lb 3 oz, Preston at 8 lb 5 oz to now a massive 9 lb 11 oz!!! Golly gosh Jasper, you are one big boy!