Timiney and Clint are proud to introduce to the world their precious baby girl – Phoebe Matilda Christene, born today Tuesday the 19th July 2011 at 8.18 am, weighing a very tiny 5 pound 11 ounces (2579 grams) and 49 cms long, by emergency c section. What a beautiful little girl she is!!!
Congratulations to Timiney and Clint on the safe arrival of their adorable little girl Phoebe, we all look forward to meeting her in a couple of days when mum is up to it!!!! What makes this even more special is that Phoebe is born on her mum’s birthday just like I’m born on my mum’s birthday. It is such a special bond! And what a wonderful birthday gift!!!
Ahh my little girl is called phoebe matilda also
This little baby is now a 2 yr old! I don’t know where the time goes It’s a very pretty name!