Hunky-Dory Dad Seasonal Pack Summary Sheet
Hunky-Dory Dad Free Seasonal Printables Preview
Hunky Dory Dad Bunting Banner: 1.12 MB 2 page bunting banner, x1 letter of dad flags and x1 clip art flag.
Hunky Dory Dad Toppers Tags and Flags: 536 KB Food Toppers 6 designs, x1 happy father’s day, x1 #1 dad, x1 my daddy’s super (image), x1 I heart daddy, x2 clip art. Small Round Tags 4 designs, x1 best ever dad, x1 happy father’s day, x1 for dad, x1 for you dad. Mini Bunting Flags x7, x3 patterns. Flag Straw Wraps, x3 colours, x1 pattern.
Hunky Dory Dad Cupcake Wrappers: 549 KB x2 plain, x1 scalloped
Hunky Dory Dad Drink Bottle Wrappers: 444 KB x1 father’s day brew, x1 daddy cool
Hunky Dory Dad Tie Printable: 549 KB x3 patterns
Hunky Dory Dad Print: 233 KB 5″ x 7″ father’s day print
Instruction Guide – Seasonal Pack 337 KB (Includes Terms of Use)
Hunky Dory Dad PDF Pack 4.06 MB Includes all of the above downloads plus font pack