Well everything was revealed today about my little surprise gift in the mail yesterday of the book Breastfeeding…Naturally.
It turns out that I actually received two pieces of mail, but in the wrong order. The piece of mail I opened today explained everything! My mum-in-law did in fact send me a gift, however it wasn’t just the book on breastfeeding. In fact she had bought me a 12 month subscription to the Australian Breastfeeding Association (previously known as Nursing Mothers) as a present.
As part of the subscription I was entitled to a copy of the book Breastfeeding…Naturally that I actually received yesterday. Every cople of months I am sent a magazine and have access to help and advice plus all the services on offer from the ABA.
So a very big thank you to my thoughtful mother in-law, I’m so lucky to have such a great support network around me as I bring my first baby into the world!! xoxo