I was given a Bumbo by my dear friend Timiney at my baby shower for Preston as she found it so very useful with her little girl Phoebe. I had never used one with Addison so I wasn’t really sure how it would go. The bumbo is suitable for use from 4 months or if the baby is holding their head pretty steady. With Preston about to turn 4 months tomorrow and good head control, I thought I would give it a go.
He seemed to really like it! At his age it’s not something that you leave them sit in for long periods of time. Let’s face it, at this age they don’t do anything for long periods of time when they are awake. They constantly want to change position or at least I know Preston does. We go from laying on the couch to sitting on Mummy, then playing down on the play mat to sitting in the rocker, then wanting to stand on Mummy.
It was very handy and Addi got a real kick out of seeing Preston sitting up right. We even read a book while he was in it, which was great because I could sit behind the kids and both of them could see and I didn’t have to balance Preston at the same time. The only thing that I found a little tricky was getting him out of it with his tubby legs!! Addi helped me and we got tubby out of the Bumbo seat.