As I wait for the arrival of Addison I thought I would take the opportunity to give you a little tour of Addison’s bedroom and all his precious things. Over the last 9 months we have been slowly preparing for our little boy and part of that was making sure the baby room was just perfect.

I’ve been busy making things, searching for wonderful second hand bargains and making sure I have everything to make it just right for him. I’ve received beautiful gifts from family and friends at the baby shower that make his room even more special.

From the essentials to special little things just for my baby boy, his room has really come together, and I’m so proud to be able to give you a tour around via the following photo gallery. Enjoy!

I thought I should point out that nearly all the toys in Addison’s room were actually mine from when I was a kid, likewise the blankets and even some of the clothes are hand me downs. I have bought the majority of furniture second hand (the only new item would be the bookcase/toy box). Addison’s clothes are a majority of gifts or second hand. Toys and decorations have been made by me. We were very lucky finding items on eBay and doing a lot ourselves.

You will see there are a couple of things that I have made that I haven’t actually posted about yet, that’s because I did them before I even started this website (the flags on the wall and the owl & tree canvas decorations). I will eventually post about these separately.

You might actually be wondering what on earth the little table next to the cot is for… it’s actually to put the baby monitor on. But as you mostly know, Addison will be sleeping upstairs for the first 6 months and therefore it has been set up in his Matilda Rocker for the meantime.

Hope you like Addi’s room, feel free to comment or ask any questions about where I got items or how I made them :).

Categories: Baby Room, Photo Galleries

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