Things were different today at play group. Because of the warmer weather they had play time outside. So when we arrived Addi was unsure since none of the inside toys had been unpacked. It took quite a bit of convincing to come out and play with the cars and balls etc. Hopefully he will get used to it in the next few weeks. Anything different and it really throws a little kids routine. Eventually he will get used to the change in the schedule.
He ate very well at morning tea time, I was so very proud of him. Especially considering that we don’t have a set morning tea time at home, and he just eats when he is hungry. We also don’t sit down to have the meal, so he’s getting used to this very fast which is great! I really need to learn the little grace song they sing before they eat…I think I must be the only one there that doesn’t know the songs.
No craft again for Addi today as he was really looking forward to some indoor play time and they had that at the same time as craft.