There were a couple of things that happened in February 2018 but no where near as exciting as the arrival of our new family member!!!!

We had been thinking about it for a while, and had actually planned to do this as the boys Easter present. We thought a new little life would be something super special for Easter this year. But it turns out she was ready to come live with us much sooner than we thought. It was all organised and Daddy went and picked her up and brought her home. She didn’t have a name, we thought we would let the kids come up with something. Funny how we both thought they would come up with a cute, or funny name. That’s what you would expect for a new kitten. But instead she got a “real person name”. Introducing our latest family member Emelia ‘Lamington’ Scheuber, Emily for short, Em for even shorter. She’s a black ragdoll and as crazy as you could ever expect a kitten to be. So very tiny and really cute, and very very tolerant! This is the first pet for the boys, they still have a lot to learn, but I think she will make the perfect addition to our family. And at least now, I’m not the only girl in the family.

February was also a busy month for sewing. I’d been dabbling around with sewing for a while. I guess I kind of started in a back to front sort of fashion with my sewing. I was attempting to make clothes, just making my own patterns and making it all up as I went along. I used other ready made garments to work out how things were done and did my best to recreate them. I have so far done quite well using this method, but I thought it was about time to try to teach myself how to use a paper pattern. I managed, and I am on a roll. I made a pair of pants and shorts using my first ever bought paper pattern. I also made my own wrap skirt (my own design). Addison also got the sewing bug and wanted to make his own pj shorts. I showed him from beginning to end and he did it! They turned out really well. He did well using the sewing machine and really took it all in.

We had the school picnic this month, always lots of fun playing in the water. Thankfully everyone was well this year and we could all attend. We finished the night with some fireworks.

At the end of the month I got stuck in preparing Charles’ wedding anniversary gift. Our 9th anniversary, leather and bird of paradise for the flower, which we celebrate on the 1st March. I decided to paint this unique cow picture for him, thinking outside the box a little to combine the “leather” and anniversary flower. It seemed the perfect fit with my nickname being moo. It was clearly meant to be, as it took shape very quickly and just came very easily.

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