Today I got a little surprise in the mail box which I was not expecting! I had mail from the Australian Breastfeeding Association (formally Nursing Mothers), when I opened it I found a book. The book is called “Breastfeeding…Naturally” and from what I can tell just by the first couple of pages I’ve read is a comprehensive overview of everything breastfeeding related.
You may be wondering why this is a surprise. Well I did not order the book and can’t remember filling out anything that would entitle me to a copy, so I can only guess that a little person out there is sending me a gift.
The first person that comes to mind that may have thought of me and ordered a copy to be sent to me is my mum in-law Evelyn. The reason I think this is that after she had her two boys (my hubby of course and brother in-law) she was quite involved with Nursing Mothers, now known as the Australian Breastfeeding Association.
It was a lovely surprise and I’m really looking forward to reading it!