Today I am 36 weeks pregnant and am totally excited to be entering the last month of pregnancy and the third trimester.
It was a bit of a rough start to the week with my lower legs, ankles and feet swelling up like balloons. They were quite painful too and a little worrying. I did everything that I could think to help the swelling go down such as elevating them on pillows, soaking them on water and getting Charles to massage them to help with circulation.
I had a couple rough nights sleep due to the swelling, but thankfully they had gone down and were back to normal in the morning. I took it easy for the rest of the week, making sure I put my feet up regularly during the day (hence all the sewing and making of rattles this week!).
In the last couple of weeks I had been suffering from puffy ankles and swollen feet, but generally only when I had a big day spent entirely on my feet. This was especially increased with all the planning and preparation for the baby shower, not to mention the painting of the house. In the last couple of days however I had been taking it easy and hadn’t really spent much time on my feet. This is why my swelling worried me even more, but I guess it was just a sign to slow down.
I have my 36 week blood test tomorrow, then back to the obstetrician on Monday.